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Why self-discovery is important

Updated: Jul 31, 2020

Many people often live with ignorance of their self-discovery. With the struggles and time spent focusing on their work and personal life, many often forget about their aspiration and purpose.

As we go through our daily lives, frequently, we want to be the most honest versions of ourselves, which aligns with our principal beliefs and values. The idea of being the most authentic version of yourself without being influenced by others' opinions is one of the many aspects of self-discovery.

Going down the path of self-discovery is vital for every single person. Self-discovery is becoming aware of your full potential, life possibilities and personality, among many other factors. Additionally, One primary purpose of self-discovery is to spend time focusing on the experiences that have shaped your life and what they reveal about you, whether positive or negative. Many people often live with ignorance of their self-discovery. With the struggles and time spent focusing on their work and personal life, many often forget about their aspiration and purpose.

However, what makes self-discovery imperative for every individual is its transcending ideas that can be efficiently utilized in different aspects of our everyday lives. For instance, once one becomes more satisfied with who they are as a person and understand their values, they will seek out fewer opinions on themselves. As a result, the individual begins to worry less about the perspectives of others. Moreover, the apparentness of toxic people in your life will become more recognizable, and you will end up cutting them out. Meaning, your inner circle will be filled with individuals who genuinely care for you and want you to succeed, rather than hold you back.

Additionally, self-discovery can assist you in the workplace. Often you hear from people, whether it be close friends or relatives, that they are unhappy with their employment. People are unhappy with their work because of a lack of interest in their field of work or because they were told to work in that field by others. The journey of self-discovery helps individuals figure out their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and values. When one understands what they are passionate about, they are more likely to find a field that best suits those passions. By indulging yourself in an area of your passion, which was discovered through looking within, you'll feel overall happier.

It is important to note that the path to self-discovery is not an easy one. The road often consists of multiple bumps, left turns and, at times, some U-turns. Throughout the process, you may be faced with situations, emotions or feelings you have suppressed. Fear, uncertainty, and confusion are other emotions that may surface on the journey of discovering yourself. The road to discovery is different for everyone. Some may be coming to terms with how some relationships are one-sided and need to be cut out or the work-life balance is off. There are times where the doubts occupy your mind to the point where you want to give up on the journey.

This is why it is imperative to have a coach right beside you throughout this exciting journey. A coach will provide a safe space for you to be yourself and share your insights on your self-discovery journey. With a coach, questions will continuously be prompted to keep you moving forward, and setbacks will turn into deeper comprehension. Coaching will inspire and empower you to look within and motivate you to discover more about yourself for optimal growth.

What are the most important things in your life? Let's start by taking the first step.

Book a discovery call with me if you are interested in finding a courageous space where new and profound ideas, perspectives and tools are developed to strive in hopes of reaching your full authenticity.

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